Sunday, June 06, 2010


It was a wonderful thing for this country to reject the incipient fascism imposed by Bush and Cheney, by turning away from McCain and electing Obama.

Some of us might feel that this was inevitable, because the disasters and disgraces of the Bush years were things we needed to put behind us.

But not all of us. Those horrible Bush years weren't so bad for some. The rich didn't just get richer - they got way richer than ever before. They did this in part by corrupting our political system to work on their behalf. So, lower taxes for the rich, dismantling of public interest constraints like environmental protections, and incredible boondoggle porkbarrel projects like Star Wars. They got way richer. We got shafted.

You might think that electing Obama fixed things. But it wasn't enough. The people in the shadows who put Reagan into power, who profited so handsomely from the reckless deficit spending he and Old Bush produced, who created and unleashed a right wing propaganda plague against the Clintons, who stole the 2000 election and then nearly destroyed the world economy - they're still out there. And they're still greedy for more.

You might think that electing Obama fixed things. But the people who created the mess we are suffering through right now are eager for more.

If you don't vote against them, they're going to come back.

Please be sure to vote on June 8 and in every election.

It ain't over.

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