Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Do you have the feeling that something is wrong with this country?

A lot of people seem to feel that THE government is no longer OUR government.

WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to be in charge. But it feels like WE are ignored, patronized, used.

It's no wonder a lot of people feel this way. We have been betrayed.

An arrogant elite has seized the powers of government, and used those powers shamelessly for their own secret purposes, and for their own fantastical enrichment.

Fortunately, we got rid of many of them by electing Barak Obama in 2008.

But they are still ravenously seeking new prey, and they are a deadly threat to our democracy.

Some people call them NeoConservatives, which apparently means FakeConservatives Who Lie and Steal a Lot.

Perhaps you've wondered where Dick Cheney and his buds hung out after that nasty Bill Clinton made George Bush the Older move out of the White House. Well, part of that time they were flying high with Billy Kristol over at his Project For a New American Century. This was a little think tank where rightwingers could dream big dreams and giggle all day long.

You see, Communism had died. It was buried on August 13, 1961, the day that East Germany began construction of the Berlin Wall. There aren't many walls constructed by a state to keep its own citizenry from escaping. Can you think of any others? Me neither.

In 1991, Boris Yeltsin was elected President of the Russian Federation. He had disappeared from public view during the final week of the election campaign. Many Russians believed he had died of a heart attack. But they elected him anyway. The Communist on the ballot finished third, behind the apparently dead Boris Yeltsin. In Russia. Where Communism had ruled since 1918.

With the demise of Communism, some folks got the notion that this was a great opportunity to reduce defense spending, and pay ourselves a Peace Dividend. But the NeoCons had another idea. They had a dream. The big one. World Domination.

If we sent in our Marines to a bunch of Third World regimes, and set up our own friendly regimes, who could stop us? Nobody! This was a priceless opportunity!

And so was born the NeoCon vision of world domination. (1) Get back into office by any means. (2) Terrify or deceive the electorate to gain unlimited powers. (3) Send in the Marines wherever we can get away with it. (4) Make sure we end up with a docile foreign state and sweet deals for our buddies.

You can read about it at http://www.newamericancentury.org/ , Billy Kristol's Project For A New American Century. Names on the site? Dick Cheney. Donald Rumsfeld. Paul Wolfowitz. Jeb Bush.

Be sure to check out page 63 of the "Rebuilding America's Defenses" document (http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf). It says this:

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

Yes, they did steal an election, letting the Scalia slimeball cast the only vote that counted in putting Bush the Clueless into the Oval Office and Dick Cheney into power.

Bu they still needed a catastrophic and catalyzing event. So they demoted Al Qaeda expert Richard Clarke from the National Security Council and waited. When a CIA officer visited Bush the Dumber in Crawford in August 2001 to tell him that an Al Qaeda attack was imminent, Bush responded "Now you can say you covered your ass." and did nothing. When an FBI office in Arizona identified 9/11 hijackers who were learning to fly but not to land, they did nothing. And guess what? They finally got what they wanted. A terrified American public. And unlimited power.

So what happened next? Absolute Power.

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