Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Of course the GOP is lying about reconciliation.

They've discovered that lying creates a solid base of the 25% of the American electorate that CAN be fooled all of the time.

And apparently the mainstream media no longer takes any responsibility for broadcasting truthful, fact-checked stories. It makes for better ratings to have Jerry Springer-type conflicts in your news coverage. And it's politically safer for a corporate entity to broadcast both sides of every story. Truth. And Lies.

The simple truth is that the GOP has disappeared as a true political party. They were acquired by the American Corporate Empire at some point in the 1980's, and have been a wholly-owned subsidiary ever since.

Now they have a mission, and that mission is to subvert the operations of the United States government so that it serves their own purposes. Defense policy to serve defense corporations, e.g., a non-functional Star Wars system and Iraq contractors who outnumber - and cost more - than our troops. Energy policy to serve energy companies, e.g., a tobacco-industry-style campaign of disinformation and denial to derail any attempt to conserve energy or seek new energy sources. Health care policy to protect the interests of health care companies. And on and on. If you are still listening to anything coming out of the GOP, I have a question. Why?

One can only hope the Democrats will have enough smarts to produce a House/Senate compromise bill that does some good. Because once they do, the American people will see once again the the GOP is lying. This isn't socialism or a government takeover or martial law or anything bad. This is government more or less of the People, by the People's elected representatives, and most definitely for the People.

And that's a big change from the last eight disastrous years of GOP corporate butt-kissing.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be a legitimate conservative political party in this country.

I'm just saying that the GOP is so putrid and corrupt that somebody should bury it.

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