Wednesday, December 13, 2006



Dubya has committed all sorts of crimes. He abrogated the SALT agreements so that he could pour federal tax money into the pockets of his buddies in the defense industry - and get some nice kickbacks afterwards. He waited for the September 11 attack to happen so that he could pursue a war of aggression to get his buddies some sweet deals in the Iraqi oil fields. He set loose the NSA to spy on Americans in complete defiance of the laws to regulate that kind of thing. And, of course, he's tried to hide torture and murder at Guantanamo AND IN FORMERLY COMMUNIST PRISONS IN EASTERN EUROPE! He's the worst President in history; he's a monster; he deserves to be convicted as a war criminal and hanged.

And Cheney is just as bad, maybe worse. Bush was never very smart, and after heavy drinking and drug use throughout his pathetic youth, he hasn't gotten any smarter. Just listen to him talk - you know just what I mean. He - at last - has become a President who represents the Double Digit People. IQ < 100. The Double Digit People. But Cheney isn't that dumb.

Cheney is perverse. He's a paranoid. He's spent millions of your tax dollars building an underground bunker beneath the Vice President's Residence because he sleeps with a guilty conscience. His blood thirst for Saddam Hussein was a driving force for the invasion of Iraq.

I remember a press conference Cheney held during the first Gulf War. He was the Old Bush's Secretary of Defense then. Near the end of the fighting, the U.S. used special concrete-penetrating bombs to attack a bomb shelter in downtown Bagdad. Peter Arnett was on hand the next morning as they carried out the hundreds of burned bodies of men, women, and children.

It is a war crime to attack a civilian facility, and there is no question that hundreds of civilians died horrible deaths that night. What justification was there for this brutal, deliberate attack?

Well, it turns out that the Old Bush Administration thought this might be where Saddam Hussein was sleeping at night. And we planned the attack to take him out - along with hundreds of innocent people. But we were wrong. Saddam wasn't there. Just the innocent people.

On the day after the attack, Dick held a press conference. Reporters asked him if Saddam Hussein had been seen since the bombs fell. It was sickening. Cheney smirked, tried not to smile, and giggled like a schoolgirl. He was so happy to say that, No, no one had seen Saddam since the attack.

It made me sick. It's one thing to wage war, to be forced into violence in national defense. But no one who giggles, who feels excitement and pleasure about such things, should have war making powers. Dick Cheney is a sick, perverted, monstrous creature.

He lied about the falsified justifications for this war. He lied about his connections to the huge no bid contracts given to Halliburton for their occupation activities on the heels of our troops. He's lied about so many things. He lies every time he opens his mouth. Surely there must be grounds for impeaching this monster.

So, what if... Bush is impeached for multiple high crimes and misdemeanors. Cheney is then impeached for the same crimes and worse.

And, whew, we have a new President.

President Nancy Pelosi.

And we can stop worrying about the possibility of a Hilary Clinton campaign.


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