Saturday, December 16, 2006


Were you puzzled, too?

In his first State of the Union address, the Little Bush used the term Axis of Evil to refer to Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

It is unlikely that his speechwriters were unaware of the Axis powers of WWII - Germany, Italy, and Japan formed an actual alliance that opposed the Allied powers. Using the term "Axis" was probably meant as some kind of call to arms to the people of the United States, in the same way we had been called to defend democracy in the 1940's.

Bush's Axis of Evil was a lie, of course. In fact, these countries had no alliance and few political or economic connections. Iran and Iraq had in fact fought a bitter war after Saddam Hussein invaded Iran in 1980.

Was it a lie? Well, I think it was, and a good one. A statement which is intended to deceive is a lie, in my book, even if it is subtly phrased so that it becomes difficult to contradict. The lie was simply this: Instead of viewing the fall of Communism as an opportunity to begin a new era of world peace and prosperity, it was necessary for the United States to go back to war.

Bush had already sent our troops to war in Afghanistan in October 2001. One of the allies of the United States in the struggle to force Soviet troops out of Afghanistan had been a Muslim fundamentalist organization calling itself Al Qaeda, and Al Qaeda had carried out a shocking attack on U.S. targets on September 11. Al Qaeda still had a presence in Afghanistan, including sanctuary for its leader Bin Laden. The Bush Administration wanted to invade, even though the government of Afghanistan was made offers to arrest and try Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda leadership if we provided evidence that they had been involved in the attack. But the Bushies decided to invade.

Five years later Bin Laden is still mocking us, the Taliban is seeking to force U.S. troops out of Afghanistan just as they once forced out the Soviets, and American troops are still dying there. So things haven't worked out all that well. But at least there was an argument for Afghanistan.

But Iran? Iraq? North Korea? Where did that come from?

Please see for an answer.

This is a group of moral degenerates, proudly following the traditions of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin in promoting military occupations and wars of aggression. The organization was formed during the Clinton years to plan and work towards their goal: world conquest by the military forces of the United States to create an unassailably dominant position that would allow them to rule the world during the next century.

They had a problem with this plan. Well, actually, the plan had lots of problems - as you might expect when a sycophantic group of moral degenerates with no military experience begins planning such crimes against humanity.

But one problem they saw was in getting sufficient political support within the United States to allow them send off our troops on this vicious and brutal quest. They said so in one of their reports:

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."

They published this concern in September 2000. See page 63 of this document:

Fortunately for them and unfortunately for the rest of humanity, by various foul means they managed to win the U.S. Presidential election in November 2000. And when it came to be their responsibility to act on the warnings they receieved prior to September 11, 2001, they simply had to wait. They got their Pearl Harbor, and they were ready.

We heard about the Axis of Evil. And we were in a War on Terror.

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