Saturday, August 14, 2010


So the Obama Administration has followed the same course as the Nancy Pelosi Congress.

It was possible, and frankly fully justified, to impeach Bush and Cheney for war crimes.

We did, in fact, convict and punish others for waterboarding our own soldiers in WWII.

So Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld, who authorized waterboarding, deserved at least to go to prison for war crimes. I know, some idiots think these guys were desperate to save American lives. But that's not the truth. The people being tortured were Al Qaeda leaders, and they were being asked specific questions. They were being asked to confess some contact between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. The torture had nothing to do with saving American lives. It was ordered from the White House to produce false confessions, to save the lily white asses of Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Pelosi knew enough to start impeachment proceedings. She should have. But she didn't. She decided that getting the Democrats into power in the next election was more important than seeking justice for these crimes. Was she right? I don't know.

Now the Obama Administration has avoided partisan confrontation on this issue and many others. They have sought to show progress, and to deny the right wing any inflammatory positions that might be used to frighten centrist voters. They have followed the Nancy Pelosi path of seeking power by soothing the anxieties of moderates rather than implementing the rightful demands of their own supporters.

Is it possible that they have miscalculated, that their own supporters will neglect their civic duty and vote this November? Is it possible that the racist base of the Republican Party will show up and steal the next Congress away from the rest of us?


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