Hey, what's going on here?
Didn't we just suffer through a catastrophic meltdown caused by Republican corruption and thievery?
Enormous deficits directly caused by unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy and crony corporate pork barrel spending, relentless attacks on human rights and our own American civil liberties, a determined effort to dismantle any government oversight of every business activity - remember?
We saw a balanced budget turned into enormous federal deficits. We saw SALT treaties ripped up to allow the multi-billion dollar Star Wars boondoggle. We saw Marines sent to grab oil fields for private companies, who sent more six-figure contractors to Iraq than we sent troops. We saw the NSA set loose to spy on Americans, listening to all of our phone calls and reading all of our emails.
And, finally, we saw the catastrophic meltdown of the U.S. economy in 2008. There were plenty of warnings. Foreclosure rates were rising to historic levels, and various economists were warning that a bubble was forming in the housing market. The Republican administration had years of warning that some action should be taken to slow things down. But that was completely opposed to their political philosophy - Let The Rich Get Richer.
And, finally, predictably, things fell apart. Banks failed. GM went bankrupt. Markets crashed. And millions of Americans lost their jobs, their homes, their health coverage, their hope.
We did the right thing in booting the GOP in 2008, and bringing in new leadership to get us out of the mess. And maybe someday the GOP will reform itself to be a genuine political party again, instead of a corporate-controlled neofascist conspiracy.
They had their chance, and they showed beyond any doubt what they have to offer: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the country goes to hell.
After the last Republican-led meltdown, in 1929, we elected a Democrat in 1932. Things had gotten pretty bad by then, with national unemployment hitting 25%. But we were still struggling to recover for the rest of the decade. When we finally did emerge after WWII, we began the era of American leadership that we all grew up with.
It's 1934. Are Americans dumb enough to stick that screwdriver into the light socket AGAIN?