Monday, January 02, 2012

A Downhill Run


Hello everyone. Welcome to 2012.

I know we are supposed to worry about the Mayan apocalypse, since a couple of bigger budget films have planted that notion in the popular culture. But I'm not too worried about it. The Mayans have already suffered their apocalypse, after an extended drought made them unable to fill their irrigation channels and feed their large populations.

There are still Mayas around, by the way, living in certain areas of central Mexico. Just not so many as in their glory days.

But I am worried about the imminent destruction of democracy in the United States. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us." Unfortunately, many individuals born in this great nation do not accept its heritage - all of us created equal with inalienable rights, a government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed, government of the people, by the people, for the people. Unfortunately, many individuals believe that their own freedoms are not connected with tolerance for others, that partisanship is not unpatriotic, that profit-driven corporations are people too.

Perhaps this should not be surprising. Once we fought a horrible civil war, led by wealthy slaveholders to gain by violence what they could never gain by peaceful means - Constitutional protection for slavery and a requirement that no state be allowed to impose any restrictions on the practice of slavery. States rights? Hah!

( I know a lot of otherwise educated people might not believe this, but please see for yourself. Article 1, Section 9, prohibits every state of the Confederacy from passing laws that impair slaveholder's property rights. States' rights? No way, that's just BS for the unwary, Sorry, bubba, if you feel like a fool.

So now the heirs of this heresy against human freedom and dignity, aroused by the civil rights movement and the election of a black man to the Presidency, have stirred from their dark places. They hate government, i.e., the United States of America. They hate paying taxes. They feel that they - delusional, paranoid, ignorant - are the real Americans.

Sadly, apparently, they are. And this great nation with its great ideals is heading downhill fast. Real problems - the need for new energy sources, consequences of global warming, the destruction of our national manufacturing base - are being ignored. The fools and asses are having their way.

We are in the midst of a new Civil War, and we are all going to lose.

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