Monday, November 01, 2010


I would say that if you are voting in a close race, and your vote might make the difference between electing a completely corrupt Republican like Tom Delay or a delusional paranoid like Dick Cheney or a clueless spoiled brat like Rand Paul, then you should vote for the Democrat. You should vote for the Democrat because they are heading in the direction we need to go, instead of digging our country's grave as eagerly as Dick Cheney built his Veep bunker so he could sleep at night.

Otherwise, vote for what you believe - and your vote is not being wasted. Whoever the elected politicians are, they all are impressed by people who actually voted and refused to vote for any mainstream politician. They look for opportunities to pick up those votes next time.

The best example is Ross Perot's election victory. He had been a Republican, he refused to go along with the corrupt expansion of the deficit under Reagan and Bush the Barfer, he spent $25 million to educate the American people about the dangers of running up the federal deficit.

In the 1992 election, he received almost 20 million actual votes. I don't think it's a coincidence that the next administration went on to achieve a balanced budget. Clinton and Gore showed us how to do it - restrain growth of federal spending, create only tax cuts that actually help grow the economy instead of reward political cronies, and wait for steady growth of the economy to increase revenues until a balanced budget is achieved.

I don't think this would have happened without Perot and his 19,741,065 votes.

So go out and vote intelligently for candidates that truly represent you.

Just remember Ralph "The Shyster" Nader and Florida 2000. We would not have suffered the attacks on 9/11 or any of the aftermath if Gore had become our next President.

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