Tuesday, January 27, 2009


How times have changed.

A "conservative" once meant someone who wanted to "conserve" things, to keep things from changing, to preserve things the way they were, especially to limit the size and powers of government. Now so-called "conservatives" are recklessly gambling with the earth's environment despite the clamor of alarm bells from all over the world; smiling in agreement at universal, unsupervised, unconstitutional monitoring of all forms of electronic communication by the federal government; and consenting to spending deficits and shady corruption that truly boggles the mind.

I don't really think they should call themselves "conservatives" any more, or that we should call them "conservatives" either. It isn't fair to the reputations of real conservatives who have something valid to say - and actual ideas.

We should call them by their own term, one that summarizes their intellectual traits and reasoning processes.


Let's put it this way: If you haven't caught on yet that Fox News and AM radio are owned and operated by big-money people, who pursue their own interests by lying and especially by distracting ordinary people from reasonable discussion about our own welfare, well, now would be a good time to wake up and smell the stuff that Limbaugh and Savage and Beck and Hannity and Coulter and the rest of the crew are dishing out. They are protecting big-money interests like coal and oil by casting doubt on the truth about global warming.

You might remember how the cigarette companies reacted to the 1965 Surgeon General's Report about smoking. It's deja vu all over again.

Dittoheads, please wake up. The last eight years did happen, and your "conservative" leaders did exercise virtually unlimited powers to implement their destructive ideas. It's time to realize that you have been betrayed by those who knew what lies it would take to ensnare you, and who are absolutely shameless liars.

Wake up, already.

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