Wednesday, August 27, 2008


There's not really an argument about one fact: in the absence of other factors, increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere will raise the surface temperature of the earth. And we have been increasing the concentration of one greenhouse gas - carbon dioxide - since the Industrial Revolution caused humankind to switch from firewood to fossil fuels like coal and oil.

(If you disagree with this, please try your own little greenhouse experiment. Park your car in the summer sunshine, roll up all your windows, and sit there for a while. Your car windows absorb infrared energy even more effectively than carbon dioxide gas does, and you've just put yourself inside a little greenhouse. Wait there for a while. See what happens. Please don't bring any pets or small children with you.)

However, since a planetary climate system IS complicated by so many other factors, and since the future is ALWAYS uncertain, it becomes possible for vested interests to confuse any reasonable discussion of the issue. That doesn't change the facts, or the future we face. It only protects those vested interests by delaying the pressure they would face from an informed public.

What vested interests?

Why the Blood for Oil people of course. The ones controlling the present Republican administration and right wing media machine. They've sold out their country and our children''s future - for record profits, though!

It won't be this summer. It might be next summer. But it won't be long now.

The North Polar Ice Cap is going to melt away completely during some summertime in the next few decades. There will be open seas at the North Pole.

Goodbye, Santa.

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