Sunday, October 18, 2009


There are those - Stanley McChrystal are you listening? - who are whimpering about Obama's delay in committing to a new strategy (really an ACTUAL strategy) in Afghanistan.

How quick we forget.

A year ago, before the election, we were experiencing a total meltdown in the financial sector. I don't know how things were going for you, but the bank where I have my mortgage and checking account went bankrupt! Out of business! Sold to the highest bidder!

And dear old Iraq was still killing Americans despite McCain's devout mantra "The Surge Is Working!"

And the polar icecap was melting and the national deficit was exceeding $1 billion and the NSA was tapping all our phone calls and prisoners were being tortured at Gitmo, etc.

Obama inherited a HUGE mess to clean up.

He's stabilized the economy.

Our military troops in Iraq are relatively safe on their bases. (Support Our Troops!! Bring Them Home To Their Families!!)

And Obama is working to develop a successful and intelligent strategy in Afghanistan.

So chill out, dudes. Remember, the goddam GOP created a HUGE mess.

Or have you forgotten already?

Monday, October 12, 2009


The last time I posted, I said Sarah Palin might have decided to resign as governor so she could spend more time with her family. I also said she might be hooked on national politics and positioning herself for a 2010 candidacy.

But now I don't think either description really fits the facts.

After the McCain/Palin ticket went down in flames - an oddly appropriate description considering McCain's "Ace" status in losing five aircraft during his military service - Sarah had lucrative offers rolling in from wealthy right wing reptiles all over the country. But as Governor of Alaska she was legally prevented from accepting outside employment. On the other hand, she was incompetent and increasingly unpopular as Governor of Alaska. Why not just quit? Why not indeed.

Well, one might consider that election to a public office implies an obligation to serve if elected. One might consider that running for public office should be done to serve one's country and community. One might consider that promises made during an election campaign are moral obligations that must be kept. One might consider that a public office is a public trust.

"Oh the hell with that. I'm takin' the book deal."

At this point, it's not a question of whether Sarah will run for Pres in 2010. Sarah is not capable of organizing and planning such an effort. The question is whether the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - which apparently does exist - will choose to run her. They have already had spectacular success in electing idiot spokespersons to the White House. Reagan was a corporate shill doing radio promos and hosting "Death Valley Days" before rightwingers decided to rewrite his scripts and bankroll his TV ads all the way to the White House. They still get a certain thrill "down there" when they think about it. Dubya was a complete idiot, but they stole two elections from overly polite and underly patriotic Democrats to put him in the Oval Office. Didn't that work out well? It sure did, if you were a crony collecting federal dollars and chortling over federal tax cuts.

So the question is, will the right wing decide they can elect Sarah? She's infinitely pliable and gullible. Plus. She's unprincipled and self-centered. Plus. She's a whacked out revivalist rapture-lovin' so-called Christian. Plus for the nomination, but maybe a negative for normal voters. Who knows what they will decide?

But one thing we do know, if they do decide they want her.

Sarah is definitely For Sale.