Saturday, March 24, 2007


The Romans had a saying, Divide et Impera. Thank you, Wikipedia.

It means Divide and Rule Over, Dominate, Conquer, Own.

It's what we have today in American politics, practiced by the American Right Wing.

They have a deliberate strategy to find and promote divisiveness in our political discourse.

It helps too, if you've bought up the mass media and can fire anybody who's not a media whore. Goodbye, Peter Arnett, Dan Rather, Bill Maher. Hello, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reillly, Tucker Carlson.

We won't talk about how American corporate interests killed the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and reignited the nuclear arms race, so that billions of dollars could be spent in deployment of a Star Wars system in Alaska that is completely doomed to failure.

We won't talk about how American corporate interests greedy to get their hands on oil fields in Iraq and greedy to build permanent military bases in Iraq perverted American foreign policy to send our military to set up a puppet govenment (with those lovely corrupt officials) in Iraq.

(Of course, the Iraqis aren't that dumb. This whole perverse scheme is also doomed.)

We won't talk about how the War on Terror has led to unprecedented and illegal invasions of privacy of ordinary Americans, by liars and crooks and degenerates who can't be trusted with any authority under any circumstances.

We were going to talk about gay marriage and abortion rights and illegal immigrants.

Anything but governance and public policy and our future as a nation.

Perhaps, one by one, Americans are waking up.

Not listening to Right Wing liars.

We are a mighty people if we remain true to our Constitution and our fundamental beliefs : "All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Inalienable means undeniable, absolute, sacred, protected from interference ESPECIALLY BY FASCIST RIGHT WING GOVERNMENTS LIKE THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION!!!

Let's agree on that.

Because, undivided, we will prevail.